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History of the Lodge of Connaught & Truth No. 521

Chapter VII

The Second Fifty Years

blah blah

A Period of Celebrations, Jubilees and Anniversaries -- Diamond Jubilee of Queen
Victoria — Petition to elect Honorary Member — Coronation of King Edward
VII — Lodge Banner painted — Death of King Edward VII — Constitution of
Instruction Classes — United Lodges — Lodge Journal — Lodge Removals — W.
Bro. Samuel Guise, Prov. G. Secy. (Warwickshire) — Charity Golf Cup won by
Member of No. 521 — Plans for Centenary Festival.
HAVING GUIDED the reader through a retrospective journey of the first
fifty years, what is there in prospect to interest him particularly
in the second half-century ? There are no changes of meeting-place to
look for, as the Lodge has found its permanent home at Fitzwilliam Street,
Trust Deeds have been put on to an established basis, the By-Laws have been
well revised. What then is to be seen ?
Well, The Lodge having passed its fiftieth anniversary, perhaps some of
the Brethren Initiated in that period, will themselves have 50 years'
freemasonry to their credit. If so, we shall find Celebrations, Anniversaries, Golden
Weddings, and various occasions for rejoicing, opportunities for presentations,
kindly actions and expressions of Brotherly Love : also, unfortunately, the
sadder periods, three periods of the ravages of War, but followed by Thanksgivings
and the welcome return to Peace and, it is to be hoped, Goodwill among men.
The first of such Celebrations occurred in 1897, when, in the Minutes
of 4th June, the Lodge placed on record :-
"its unswerving loyalty to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria on
the completion of the 60th year of her Auspicious Reign, and to offer
up its gratitude to The Great Architect of the Universe for having
permitted our beloved Sovereign thus wonderfully to preside over
the destinies of her great and mighty Empire."
Bro. A. Armitage, of The Lodge of Truth, was one of the Brethren
who received Provincial Honours (Prov.G.D.C.) in commemoration of the above
event, and his Provincial Clothing and Jewel were presented to him by the
Brethren of The Lodge.
In 1898 it was Resolved in open Lodge that each new Initiate should be
presented with a copy of the Book of Constitutions, and as regards existing
Members, any Member who required a copy could have one on payment of 1/-.
One of the Brethren, often spoken about by Freemasons in the T o wn,
w a s W . B r o. J o hn S ho es m i t h. H e wa s a m em b er o f T h e Albert Edward
Lodge, No. 1783, and did much useful work in Freemasonry, particularly in
Masonic instruction. He had assisted on many occasions at The Lodge of
Truth, as well as at other Lodges.
It is, therefore, not surprising to find in the Minutes of 29th May, 1899,
that 35 of the Brethren signed and presented a petition to The Lodge,
praying that he should be made an Honorary Member as a slight
recognition of the great services rendered by him. This was carried
unanimously, and in due course he was
balloted for and elected. There
soon follows a practical example of Bro. Shoesmith's usefulness. In
November, 1899, he gave an "Explanation of the 2
Tracing Board" (by
no means as frequent in the Minutes as the lc), he himself explaining
"The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences."
In December there is a letter in the Minutes, which is worth
reproducing : ___
Nov. 3/99.
Dear Bro. Sykes,
Some time ago I made an intimation that it was my
intention to make a present of the value of £100 to The Lodge of
Truth and I feel that before your year of office expires, I should
like to complete my offer. I have therefore to ask you to accept on
behalf of yourself as Master and the Officers and Brethren of the
Lodge a piano by Bechstein and I enclose a cheque for £35
towards the reduction of the mortgage.
Yours fraternally,
F. Marsland,
A little arithmetic sum showed the Bechstein Piano to be worth £6 5.
Later in the Minutes it was intimated that the Piano was not given to the
Trustees but to the Members of The Lodge, and to be used for masonic
purposes only; it was not to be moved constantly about from room to
At the next Lodge Meeting the W.M. proposed the purchase of a
cover for the piano to protect it. This resolution was carried; pleasure
was expressed "in the W.M. (Bro. C. F. Arnold) being so thoughtful."
The Minutes of 6th April, 1900, contain copies of a Resolution to
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, The Grand Master,
expressing thankfulness to The Great Architect of the Universe that He in
His Goodness had preserved the life of His Royal Highness when in
extreme danger; and there is a reply from The Grand Secretary sending the
thanks and congratulations of The Most Worshipful Grand Master on his
providential escape from the recent attempt on his life.
There then followed soon afterwards more entries affecting the
Crown, and the loyalty of Freemasons to the Throne: this time, a special
form of service at The Lodge, as in many others at that time, to
commemorate the death of Queen Victoria.
As the Brethren entered the Lodge on 1st February, 1901, they
sang the Hymn
"Lo, He comes with Clouds descending."
After opening the Lodge, and the Minutes, another Hymn was
"Great God what do I see and hear
The end of things created."
There followed a loyal resolution on the profound loss sustained by the
lamented death of the beloved Queen, Patroness of the Order, and
sympathy with His Majesty King Edward VII the Grand Master. The
feelings of the Brethren were well expressed in well-chosen words in
speeches, recorded in the Minute Book, by
The Proposer, W. Bro. Reuben Williamson.
The Seconder, W. Bro. Abram Armitage.
Supported by W. Bro. C. F. Arnold
W. Bro. J. F. Dyson.
W. Bro. John Pyrah.
Before closing the Lodge, the third Hymn was sung,
"Lead Kindly Light,"
and the fourth, as the Brethren retired, Now
the Labourer's Task is o'er."
The reader will remember from previous Chapters that The Most
Noble The Marquis of Ripon, who had been Provincial Grand Master of
West Yorkshire and Grand Master of England, was an Initiate in The
Lodge of Truth, No. 521, and in April, 1901, we find the Brethren
remembering him in a special way, by sending him their hearty
congratulations on his Golden Wedding.
In February, 1902, the Brethren were particularly interested in a
Paper delivered by W. Bro. A. H. J. Fletcher, P.P.G.Reg., on a Visit to the
U.S.A., more particularly to a Lodge where he had witnessed a Raising
Ceremony, giving a description of the principal Masonic temple in the
The time had now arrived for the Coronation of His Majesty King
Edward VII. Plans had been made for a combined Social Evening
with the Brethren of Albert Edward Lo dge, No. 1783, hut it will be
within the memory of many of the readers that, owing to the illness of His
Majesty, the Coronation was postponed. In place of the contemplated
Social Festivity, there was held in Huddersfield on the very day fixed for
the Coronation, viz.: 26th June, 1902, an Emergency Lodge under the
Banner of The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275, when the Masters of the six
Lodges in the Town occupied the Chairs: and here is a copy of the Minutes
of that historic Meeting, as recorded in The Lodge of Truth Minute Book
An Emergency Lodge was held at 9-30 a.m. on Thursday, 26th June, 1902, at the Masonic
Hall, South Parade, Huddersfield, under the banner of the Lodge of Harmony, No. 275, when the
following Brethren occupied the respective Chairs :-
W.M. W. Bro. S. Kendall, W.M. 275.
S.W. W. Owen, 290.
J.W. J.W. Mallinson, 521.
S.D. J. H. Laycock, 1514.
J.D. G. Munroe, 1783.
I.G. A. Roberts, 2261.
The W.M. proposed the following resolution (to be entered on the Minutes of all the
Lodges therein named) which was seconded by W. Bro. W. Owen, W.M. 290, supported by W. Bro.
J. W. Mallinson, W.M. 521, and carried unanimously :
The Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, Officers and Brethren of the Masonic Lodges
Nos. 449, 275, 290, 521, 652, 1514, 1645, 1783, 2035, and 2261 in Huddersfield and District,
in open Lodge assembled under the banner of the Lodge of Harmony, No. 275, at the Masonic
Hall, South Parade, Huddersfield, on 26th June, 1902, the day fixed for the Coronation of His
Majesty King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, desire, before proceeding to attend a
Service of Intercession, to record their loyalty and devotion to the throne and
person of His Most Gravious Majesty, and their profound sorrow in the affliction which
has befallen him. They pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may speedily restore him to
health and preserve him in peace and happiness thro' a long and prosperous reign."
W. Bro. Marshall (275) proposed a resolution of sympathy with Her Majesty the Queen, the
Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family. This was seconded by W. Bro.
Mallinson (1645) and unanimously carried.
The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 10-0 a.m. and the Brethren walked in
procession to a Special Service at the Parish Church by invitation of Bro. Rev. Canon H. Lowther
(Sgd.) J. W. Mallinson,
Witnessed in open Lodge W.M.
(sgd.) Fred E. Beckwith,
In September, 1902, there followed a resolution to His Majesty The
King on his recovery from his illness and upon his Coronation.
About this time each successive month seemed to have its own
peculiar and special feature. October, 1902, was set apart for the reopening
of the Premises after alterations, and this was followed in the same
month by a Special Social gathering to mark the occasion.
"Happy Celebration" was the feature of the following Lodge in
November, 1902, which marked the occasion of the Masonic Jubilee of W.
Bro. Allen Jackson, which is more particularly summarised in Chapter XI.
As a matter of fact, the next item of special interest to glean from
the records is "a repeat order" of the above happy event, when, within four
months, viz.: on the 6th March, 1903, the Brethren are again honouring a
worthy member of the Lodge on completing 50 years' membership, this
time W. Bro. Henry Shaw. On this occasion, unlike the former, the
historical resume does appear in detail in the Minutes. Again it was W.
Bro. Reuben Williamson who was the narrator. It is well worth while
for any Brother interested to ask permission to read this most interesting
narrative. The occasion is summarised and dealt with in the specific Chapter
(Chapter XI) devoted to the special items of this nature.
In 1904 it is recorded that the Lodge Banner was re-painted. This
work was done by Bro. J. T. Spratt, who asked the Brethren to accept the
work from him as a gift and as some acknowledgment of the many happy
hours he had spent under the Banner of the Lodge. This was almost
another 50 years' "Celebration," as the Banner was presented in 1852.
In the Minutes of the Lodge Meeting in April, 1906, there are
one or two interesting points in a Report by Bro. John Pyrah as Charity
Representative of the proceedings at the Provincial Charity Meeting on
31st March, 1906, to commemorate the completion of the first £10,000
Investment for the West Yorkshire Educational and Benevolent
Institution. At this Meeting the Lord Allerton "Presentation" and the
Richard Wilson "Presentation" were started. The first £32 from the
latter "Presentation" was to the widow of a former Member of The
Lodge of Truth.
In July, 1906, Bro. Pyrah figures in the Minutes again as the donor
of a Portrait of Lord Allerton (now in the Supper Room).
The ye ar 1907 marked the passing of W. Bro. John Pyr ah,
whose name occurs frequently in this History, and of whom the
Minutes say on 7th June, 1907 :—
"He was a friend of every one of its Members. His services to
freemasonry were always a labour of love with every goal
reached worthy of the highminded, noble singleness of purpose
which' always animated him."
He was not only an eloquent exponent of Masonic Rites, but a
Masonic scholar deeply versed in the literature and archaeology of the
Craft, and the Local Representative of The Quatuor Coronati Lodge, of
In November, 1907, there was a interesting presentation. It was
made by W. Bro. James Mosley as a token of respect for W. Bro. Thomas
Bean (then W.M.), who was the only candidate the donor had proposed in the
Lodge. The gift was a complete set of Working Tools enclosed in a case
bearing the following inscription :-
"Lodge of Truth, No. 521."
"Presented to the Lodge by Bro. James Mosley, P.M., as a token
of his respect and esteem for the Worshipful Master, Bro.
Thomas Bean, Nov. 1907."
Next month a presentation was made by Bra. Thomas Bean
himself, or rather by Bro. Bean on behalf of his Wife, who asked the Lodge
to accept from her the gift of a Lectern and Stand to mark Bro. Bean's
year of office as Worshipful Master.
About this period there was some interesting history concerningW.
Bro. John Holroyd, who had been Worshipful Master of The Lodge
of Truth in 1903. In November, 1908, he had the honour of becoming
Mayor of Huddersfield, and received the congratulations not only of his own
Brethren but of the neighbouring Lodges: and thus he became one of several
members of The Lodge of Truth who served as Mayor of the Borough. The
Brethren attended the Parish Church with W. Bra. John Holroyd on
22nd November, 1908.
When Bro. William Henry Wittrick was Installed as Worshipful
Master on 4th December, 1908, he had the unique experience of
having the Charge delivered to him by W. Bro. John Holroyd, who was
then Mayor of the Town, which must have given an added dignity to that
very impressive piece of ritual.
Once more, in March, 1909, the Deputy Provincial Grand
Master, Bro. Richard Wilson, attended to make a presentation, this time
to present W. Bro. John Holroyd with a Past Master's Jewel as a special
token of the esteem and regard of the Brethren. W. Bro, John Holroyd
died (in 1911), whilst on a visit to London on business for the Town, and
left with the Brethren the two great lessons of "Brotherly Love" and
"Devoted Service."
In October, 1909, the Provincial Grand Lodge once more met under
the Banner of The Lodge of 'Truth. The Meeting was held in the Town
Hall, the Officers of The Lodge of Truth opening and closing the Lodge.
In June, 1910, the Brethren, like others throughout the country, were
associating themselves with the profound grief into which the civilised
world had been plunged by the lamented death of His Most Gracious
Majesty King Edward VII; this was followed later, in July, 1911—the first
Lodge Meeting after the Coronation—by a Resolution of Loyalty and
Devotion to The Throne and the Person of His Most Gracious Majesty
King George V.
In the year 1913, a rather unusual thing happened—the Lodge closed
down for two summer months (July and August). Correspondence in regard
thereto is contained in The Lodge Committee Minute Book.
In 1915 the Brethren joined in the general satisfaction at the appointment
of W. Bro. Sir William Pick Raynor, Kt., J.P. (of Huddersfield Lodge, No.
290), as the Deputy Provincial Grand Master (on 17th February, 1915).
During the War years, 1914-1918, it was not always possible to
carry out the Agenda as planned, as sometimes candidates for Ceremonies
were away with the Forces, some with the British Expeditionary Force, and
were not able to get leave for their Ceremony. Other work was
undertaken, and interest was maintained. On one such occasion, 4th May,
1917, the main item of business was a Summary of the Early History of the
Lodge given by W. Bro. j. T. Spratt. The author of this History has been
privileged to refer to the notes of that A d d r es s , wh i c h h e f o un d m os t
i nt e r es t i n g a n d h el p f ul . In t h e Chapter (No. VIII) dealing with the Lodge
Records, the Writer has made full reference to the splendid work, of such
lasting value, carried out by W. Bro. Spratt in writing up all the details of The
Lodge Journal from 1815 t o 1917 ( and l at er t o 19 23). It was at t h e
Lod ge i n November, 1917, that the Journal, as completed to date, was
presented to the Lodge and the following Resolution passed : -
"We, the Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of The Lodge
of Truth beg to place on record our profound thanks and
appreciation of the self-sacrificing labours of W. Bro. J. T. Spratt
in compiling the Lodge Journal. That the Journal shall never be
removed from the Lodge Premises without the sanction of the
Worshipful Master for the time being. That W. Bro. Spratt be
requested to write up the Journal after each Installation, and failing
him, that it be an instruction from the Worshipful Master to his
Secretary, to keep the Journal written up to date after each
The Writer of this History echoes the profound thanks and
appreciation of the Worshipful Master and Brethren of 1917 for that most
helpful and inestimable record.
On 2nd August, 1918, W. Bro. Spratt was presented with a Past
Master's Jewel.
It was in the year 1917, at the Lodge Meeting on the 1st June, that the
Petition was signed for the formation of a New Lodge--the d a u gh t e r Lo d ge
o f C o n n a u gh t ; t h e d e t a i l s o f t h e d i s c u s s i o n s and formation meetings,
etc., are recorded in Chapter XIII, Page 127, and the daughter Lodge of
Connaught, No. 3800, started on its happy and prosperous career.
At the Inst all ation Meet ing in December, 1918, W. Bro. Richard
Gill, who was attending as Chairman of the Charity Committee, announced to the
Lodge the welcome news of the appointment of W. Bro. Sir William Pick
Raynor as the Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire.
An interesting happening in 1920 (January 11) was the attendance of
some of the Brethren at the unveiling of a Memorial Tablet to the late W.
Bro. Doctor Peter Macgregor, well-respected and beloved Practitioner
and Mason of the Town.
An Emergency Lodge held on 29th April, 1920, contained special
reference and honour to Bro. J. A. Woolven, who received the congratulations
of the Lodge on his having attained to the Chair as Chief Magistrate of the
Borough. The Worshipful Master said it had been the good fortune of the
Lodge on several occasions to provide the Mayors of Huddersfield from
among its Members.* In replying, Bro. Woolven called attention to the fact
that he and his predecessor, W. Bro. W. H. Jessop, a Past Master of No. 521,
were now the two oldest Members of The Lodge of Truth.
The next Meeting, 7th May, 1920, was another occasion, when, by
Dispensation, the Lodge balloted for and Initiated a Serving Brother.
Throughout its history the Lodge has been consistently kind to its
members, and the occasions are numerous recording presentations made, not
only at Jubilees and Special Anniversaries (such as Past Master's Jewels for
special services rendered, and Provincial Clothing on attaining Provincial
Rank), but also gifts as mementoes to Brethren who have had to leave the
district for business or health reasons; for example, on 1st September, 1922,
the Brethren presented a Silver Rose Bowl, suitably inscribed, to W. Bro. J.
Mosley, P.P.G.D., on his removal to the South of England on account of his
wife's health.
Another instance of this was in 1926. The Worshipful Master of that
year apparently celebrated his Silver Wedding the same year, as on 6th
August, 1926, there is a mention that he and his wife received a gift from the
Brethren of Silver Candlesticks to commemorate the happy occasion.
The Minute Book for 1926 has two blank pages between the
November and December Lodges marked in pencil "Leave for Town Hall
Meeting." No doubt what was intended was to record the precis of a
United Lodge held on the 20th November, 1926, at the Town Hall,
Huddersfield, under the auspices of The Huddersfield and District
Installed Masters' Association, organised specially for the local Freemasons
to give a welcome to the new Provincial Grand Master, Viscount Lascelles,
who had succeeded Sir William Pick Raynor in that Office. There was a
large assembly of the Brethren from the eighteen Lodges in the Town and
District, who gave enthusiastic support to the whole-hearted welcome
extended to Viscount Lascelles by Sir William Pick Raynor on behalf of the
Huddersfield Brethren; and the Brethren present will remember the address of
His Lordship for its earnest impressiveness.
The year 1930 marked a revival or repetition of the close
association between The Lodge of Truth and The Lodge of Harmony. The
reader will recall the part played by members of The Lodge of Harmony at
the formation of The Lodge of Truth, and the very close association in the
early years, and how, on occasions, The Lodge of Harmony put their
premises at the disposal of The Lodge of Truth, and how also The Lodge of
Truth had accommodated The Lodge of Harmony during alterations at South
There were several changes and removals in 1929-30. The Albert
Edward Lodge, No. 1783, who had been Tenants at Fitzwilliam Street for many
years, moved into new Premises acquired by them at The Masonic Hall,
Greenhead Road. Two of the tenant Lodges at South Parade (owned by
The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275), viz.:
*In this connection see pages 132-133 of this History.
The Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290, and The Unity Lodge, No. 3930,
rem oved from Sout h P arade t o Greenhead R oad; The Lod ge of
Harmony, No. 275, decided to sell their premises at South Parade, where
they had been housed for so many years, and came to Fitzwilliam Street as
Tenants of The Trustees of The Lodge of Truth, No. 521. The Lodge of
Harmony, No. 275, held its last Meeting at South Parade on 9th
January, 1930, and its first Meeting at Fitzwilliam Street (after the
removal) on 6th February, 1930.
In November, 1931, there was a further interesting Meeting--
another United Lodge at The Town Hall on 3rd November, 1931, under
the auspices of The Huddersfield and District Installed Masters' Association,
to provide the R.W. Bro. The Earl of Harewood with an opportunity of
meeting the Huddersfield Freemasons. Prior to the opening of the Lodge
a Reception was held, at which some 800 or more of the Brethren were
individually presented to the Provincial Grand Master. After the United
Lodge a Banquet was held at the Lodge of Truth Premises in Fitzwilliam
In 1932 there is found the first of a little series of references to W.
Bro. Samuel Guise, a Member of The Lodge of Truth, who left the Town in
1932 to take up an appointment as Provincial Grand Secretary of the
Province of Warwickshire. He was Initiated into The Lodge of Truth, No.
321, in 1915, and occupied the Chair of his Mother Lodge in 1928. Later
he joined The Freedom Lodge, No. 3914, at Birmingh am, and became the
Worshipful Master of the Lodge in the year 1937. It was also in 1937
that he had conferred upon him the Grand Lodge Rank of P.A.G.D.C., and
he was promoted to Junior Grand Deacon (Past Rank) in 1944.
When leaving Huddersfield in 1932 he was presented with a
Mahogany Cabinet, subscribed jointly by the Members of The Lodge of
Truth, The Chapter of Truth, and The Hope Preceptory K.T.S., and in
1937 he had two other presentations, one of his Grand Lodge Clothing
("Undress") from his Mother Lodge, and the Jewel of his Office by The
Lodges of Truth and Freedom jointly, the latter presentation taking place at
The Freedom Lodge, when two Brethren from The Lodge of Truth
It was during t he year 1932 that The Huddersfi eld R o yal
Infirmary had its Centenary Celebrations, and the Brethren of the Lodge,
along with others, were invited to a special Thanksgiving Service at The
Parish Church.
Another practical example of fellowship is illustrated in the
Minutes of 2nd December, 1932, when the Brethren presented an oak
cabinet to W. Bro. J. W. Shaw as a token of their esteem, and yet
another on 20th November, 1933, when a cabinet was presented to W.
Bro. T. McCulloch on leaving Huddersfield for Worthing.
At the Regular Lodge Meeting on the 5th April, 1933, the
Lo d ge i n vi t ed t h e T e n an t Lo d ge s o f H a rm o n y, C o nn a u ght and
Concord to join with them in a United Lo dge, and several Brethren f r om
e a c h Lo d ge a t t en de d . It w as an In i t i a t i on C e r em on y, t he Initi ation
being carri ed out by Bro. A. Hudson, the Worshi pful M as t er of Th e
Lod ge o f T rut h. Th e add res s i n t he N. E. C orne r was given by Bro. J.
Brook, the Worshipful Master of Concord Lodge, No. 4126, the W. T. by
Bro. G. Beaumont, the Worshipful Master of The Lodge of Harmony, No.
275, and the Ancient Charge by Bro. Whitfield Senior, TheWorshipful
Master of Connaught Lodge, No. 3800.
There have been one or two similar united efforts at the other
Lodges at which the Worshipful Master of The Lodge of Truth has
Once more in 1936 the Brethren are found passing a special
resolution affecting the Crown, this time, on the 7th February, 1936, when
s ympathetic reference was made to the passing of another beloved
King, His Majest y King George V, on the 20th January, 1936.
And again in 1936 is another example of fraternal affection for a
Member leaving the District when, on 15th June, 1936, W. Bro. J. W.
Thickett was presented with a Walnut Sideboard, the Members of the
Hope Preceptory (K.T.) joining with the Lodge in this presentation.
Periodically throughout this Chapter of History from 1895
onwards, the Lodge has held regular Social Events, including Annual Picnics
or Outings, and many and varied have been the places visited on these
happy and instructive outings.
Coming to the close of the second fifty years and to the year 1944,
we find three interesting items. First, that it fell to the lot of a Member of
The Lodge of Truth, Bro. Robert Hunter McConnell Trew, to have the
honour of winning the Golf Charity Cup, played for annually by the Members
of the various Lodges in the Province, as part of a happy and profitable
scheme for adding to the Charitable Funds raised in the Province. Next,
a remembrance by those old and close friends of No. 521, the Members of
Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290, by a presentation made by their then
Worshipful Master, Bro. G. W. Utley, at The Lodge of Truth
Installation, 2nd December, 1944, of a copy of the History of the
Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290, covering 150 years of their existence ; and lastly
the submission to the Brethren of the Petition for a Centenary Warrant,
which was duly approved, and signed, on behalf of the Brethren, by the
Worshipful Master and Wardens. The request was offi ci al l y granted,
and a cop y of the Centenary Warrant appears on Page 75 of this
So the crowning event to form the fitting finale to this Chapter of
Celebrations, Anniversaries and Rejoicings, is the Special Festival arranged
to celebrate the Centenary of the Lodge, for which auspicious occasion the
Brethren commenced their planning by appointing a Special Committee
on the 27th April, 1944, known as "The Centenary Committee," comprising
the following Brethren :—
W. Bro. Lewis Schofield,
W. Bro. J. F. C. Cole, W.
Bro. Norman Sykes,
W. Bro. Geoffrey Gledhill (Master in 1944-45),
Bro. W. A. Bates (S.W. of 1944-45 and Master 1945-46) —coopted
28th May, 1915.
with W. Bro. Lewis Schofield as Chairman, and W. Bro. Norman Sykes
as Secretary.
This Committee met at intervals during the years 1944 and 1945, and
although the actual 100 years' Anniversary Meeting of the Lodge would be
the Installation Meeting of December, 1945, the Centenary Committee were
desirous of selecting a date for the Festival out of the busy Installation
season, a date when the Provincial Grand Master,
his Deputy and Assistants would be able to attend. Accordingly a Resolution
was passed in June, 1945, as follows :—
"That the CENTENARY CELEBRATION should be held on
SATURDAY, the 1st June, 1946, and that this date be communicated
to the Provincial Grand Secretary."
Previously, at a Meeting held in May, 1945, the Committee decided to
approach W. Bro. Harold L. Simpson, P.P.G.D., Past Master of The Lodge of
Harmony, No. 275, to write a History of The Lodge of Truth, No. 521, covering
the first 100 years from 1845 to 19.15; and the Committee expressed their wish to
have the History printed and published in time for presentation at the Centenary
Thus the Festival is AFTER the termination of the first 100 years' period,
and is an historic item in the next "century": it is, however, possible to include
herein details of the arrangements made by the Committee for this eventful
occasion, namely
(1) Invitations to the Members on lines similar to the special circular
sent out for the Jubilee Celebration (see Chapter VI) ;
(2) Invitations to the following Brethren as Special Guests :— -
The Provincial Grand Master,
R. W. Bro. Sir Anthony Gadie, Kt., J.P., P.G.D.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master,
W. Bro. Milbourne Edward Clark, J.P., P.G.D.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Masters,
W. Bro. Henry Clifford Smith, J.P., P.G.D. W. Bro.
John Tait, M.B.E., P.G.D.
The Provincial Grand Secretary,
W. Bro. Charles Edward Frobisher, P.G.D.
The Chairman of The Charity Committee of The Province
of Yorkshire (West Riding),
W. Bro. Percy Blackburn Henshaw, P.P.G.W.
The Author of this History,
W. Bro. Harold Lawson Simpson, P.P.G.D.
(of The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275).
(3) The seven guests above-named to be listed in due course on the
Lodge Summons for election as Honorary Members of the Lodge ;
(4) In v i t a t i o ns t o be ext e nd e d t o : -
(a) the Masters of the following Lodges in the Town and
District :-
The Lodge of Peace, No. 149. (Meltham).
The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275. (Huddersfield).
Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290. (Huddersfield).
Holme Valley Lodge, No. 652. (Holmfirth).
Thornhill Lodge, No. 1514. (Lindley).
Colne Valley Lodge, No. 1645. (Slaithwaite).
Albert Edward Lodge, No. 1783. (Huddersfield).
Beaumont Lodge, No. 2035. (Kirkburton).
Armitage Lodge, No. 2261. (Milnsbridge).
Brooke Lodge, No. 3608. (Honley).
Connaught Lodge, No. 3800. (Huddersfield).
Unity Lodge, No. 3930. (Huddersfield).
Cambodunum Lodge, No. 3953. (Lindley).
Salarden Lodge, No. 3971. (Milnsbridge).
Concord Lodge, No. 4126. (Huddersfield).
(b) the Presidents of The Huddersfield and District Installed
Masters' Association in 1945 and 1946 : W. Bro. Henry
Vincent Wood, J.P., P.A.G.D.C. W. Bro. Harry
Wimpenny, P.P.G.D.
(c) W. Bro. Thomas Smailes, P.P.A.G.D. (P.M. of Brooke
Lodge, No. 3608)—The Almoner of The Lodge.
(d) Brethren in the Town and District appointed as Officers of
Provincial Grand Lodge (May, 1946) and
(e) W. Bro. F. R. Worts, M.A., P.P.G.D.—Hon. Librarian of
the Province of Yorkshire (West Riding).
(5) The Proceedings at the Festival to include :—
(i) A welcome to the Provincial Grand Master and his
Officers ;
(ii) A welcome to the Honorary Members ;
(iii) Presentation of copies of the Published History ;
(iv) Précis of the History by the Author ;
(v) Special Donations to the Masonic Charities ;
(vi) Hearty Greetings by the Visiting Brethren.
(6) A verbatim report of the proceedings, in the Lodge and at the Banquet
to follow, to be bound and preserved as a permanent record.
(7) An Illustrated Brochure of the Festival, with details of the Business
and Proceedings, and the Menu and Toast List at the Banquet to
follow, to be handed to each Brother present.
Thus each Brother attending and receiving a copy of the Brochure will
have an interesting souvenir of the auspicious and historic occasion.
Photograph of the Centenary Warrant, 5th December, 1945.
TRUTH No. 521 and all others whom it may concern.
WHEREAS it appears by the Records of the Grand Lodge that on the 3rd
day of December, 1845, a Warrant of Constitution was granted to certain Brethren
therein named, authorising and empowering them and their regular Successor s to
hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at the White Hart Inn, Huddersfield,
Yorkshire, and which Lodge was named The Lodge of Truth and then numbered
763 on the Register of the Grand Lodge of England AND WHEREAS in consequence
of the alteration made in the numbers of Lodges in the year 1863 the said Lodge
became and now stands on the Register as No. 521 meeting at Freemasons' Hall,
Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield in the County of York, under the Title or Denomination
AND WHEREAS satisfactory proof has been produced of the uninterrupted existence
of the said Lodge for ONE HUNDRED YEARS dating from the 4th day of December
1845 AND WHEREAS the Brethren composing the said Lodge desire to be permitted
to wear a COMMEMORATIVE JEWEL and have prayed our sanction for
that purpose.
NOW KNOW YE that We having taken the Petition into our consideration
have acceded to their request and in virtue of Our Prerogative DO HEREBY GIVE
AND GRANT to all and each of the Subscribing Members of the said Lodge being
Master Masons permission to wear in all our Masonic Meetings suspended to the
left breast by a Sky Blue Ribbon not exceeding one inch and a half in breadth a
JEWEL or MEDAL of the pattern or device that we have already approved as a
CENTENARY JEWEL But such Jewel shall be worn only by those Brethren who
are bona fide Subscribing Members of the said Lodge and for so long only as they
shall pay the stipulated Subscription to the funds thereof and be duly returned as
such to the Grand Lodge of England.
GIVEN at London this 5th day of December. A.L. 5945. A.D. 1945.
By Command of the Most Worshipful Grand Master,
The Right Honorable The Earl of Harewood, K.G., etc., etc.,
Sydney A. White, G.S.