History of
the Lodge of Connaught & Truth No. 521

Chapter V
The Years 1855 to 1894
C H A P T E R V.
THE YEARS 1855 to 1894.
Fitzwilliam Street Craft Meetings in R.A. Clothing
-- Installation of Earl of Ripon
as Prov. G. M. -- Re-numbering of Lodge -- Inauguration
of Children's Party
P.G.L. Meeting under Banner of No. 521
Visit of Duke of Albany 4.0th
Anniversary Visit of R. Won Bro. T. W. Tew
Centenary of Lodge of Harmony
Inauguration of Presentation of Bibles.
THE MINUTES of the opening Meeting at the new premises in
Fitzwilliam Street
on Friday, the 5th October, 1855, are clear and concise,
and include :
(a) a note of thanks to W. Bro. Lord Goderich for his
(b) a resolution to hold an Instruction Meeting every
Tuesday, and again
W. Bro. W. Smith appears--this time to he the Instructor;
(c) that copies of the present and revised By-Laws be
sent to every
Some of the Brethren were of the opinion that the
proposed Revised By-
Laws did not present those distinctive features of
improvement as to warrant a
deviation from the present By-Laws; as to the ultimate
outcome of this, the
attention of the reader is drawn to Chapter IX, dealing
separately with a
resume of the By-Laws.
It is perhaps interesting to record that the first
Worshipful Master to be
Installed in the new Temple was Bro. W. C. Marsh, who had
two Installing Masters
to do his Ceremony, none other than two of the faithful
friends from the
Harmony and Huddersfield Lodges, W. Bro. Hardy, who had
installed Bro. Lord
Goderich, and the other the ever dependable W. Bro. W.
At this Meeting a brother was proposed as a Joining
Member from The
Lodge of Harmony, No. 267, Liverpool, which makes THREE
Lodges of Harmony to supply Members to The Lodge of Truth
No. 3-12 Huddersfield.
N o . 3 7 1 R i c h m o n d .
N o . 2 6 7 L i v e r p o o l .
In January of 1856 The Lodge held its first Dance or
Soirée, by
Dispensation, in the new Premises.
Then once again, on the 29th May, 1856, we find the three
Lodges in
the Town engaged in a joint effort, this time a
Procession in Masonic Clothing
and Costume for the Peace Celebrations after t he C ri m
ean War. (S ee C hapt er
X II.) The cent ral m eet i ng pl ace to discuss the
arrangements on this
occasion was The Lodge of Harmony premises in South
There was a very interesting happening in 1859, revealed
by the
records in t he M inutes of M eeting, 7th October, 1859,
Provincial Grand Lodge had met at South Parade on
Wednesday, 5th
October, 1859, and the tale has been told and re-told in
the Town that at
that Craft Meeting a number of Roya l Arch Masons entered
the Meeting
clothed in the Regalia of that Order. Some of the local
Brethren felt
doubtful about the legality or propriety of this, and W.
Bro. W. C. Marsh
of this Lodge took a bold step with the express purpose
of drawing
attention to this, and of trying to force a decision on
the point, although
he himself was of the opinion that it was incorrect. He
attended the
Lodge of Truth on Friday, 7th October, 1859 and demanded
in his Royal Arch Regalia. The Worshipful Master refused
admission, and advised Bro. Marsh to divest himself of
Royal Arch
Clothing and seek re-admission in Craft Clothing, which
he did; and he
asked the Secretary to make a Minute of his application
and the refusal.
The sequel is not on record, so the Brethren of these
days, well
versed in Constitutional Law and Regulations, can debate
the point, and
say what they would have advised under the circumstances.
In 1861 the Brethren, in reply to a request for a
decision, were
informed that, because of the Craft being in mourning for
The Earl of
Mexborough, the dress for the Annual Ball would be plain
dress, and that
masonic clothing would not be worn.
The death of the Earl of Mexborough, who had been
Provincial Grand
Master of the Province of. Yorkshire (West Riding), led
to the succession to
that high office of The Earl de Grey and Ripon, who, as
Lord Goderich,
had been Initiated into and had been Master of The Lodge
of Truth;
strenuous efforts were made for the Provincial Meeting
for his Installation
to be held in Huddersfield. A specially- appointed
Committee worked
hard to secure to Huddersfield this honour, and Bro.
William Cocking,
P.M. of The Lodge of Harmony, was also thanked "for
the untiring zeal he
manifested in furthering the object."
In fact, the three Huddersfield Lodges must have combined
more, because the Lodge of Truth passed an account for
£2 11s. being "onethird
of the expenses in contending for the Installation being
held at
But it was not to be. The Leeds Committee sent
representatives to
The Lodge of Truth to say that Leeds possessed superior
accommodation, and
if Huddersfield would withdraw its claim, they would
allow His Lordship
to be installed in Leeds under the Banner of The Lodge of
Truth, the
Officers of the Lodge to open and close the Lodge; this
was in fact carried
out, but this salve was not sufficient to heal the wounds
of the feelings of
the Brethren of The Lodge of Truth. It might have been,
but for a
regrettable oversight on somebody's part in failing to
allocate Banquet
Tickets to the Members of The Lodge of Truth, which
resulted in a letter
of apology being sent by The Earl de Grey and Ripon,
following upon
remarks he himself made at the Ceremony, that he had
learnt with the
greatest regret that there had been a misunderstanding
with reference to
Banquet Tickets; he said that it was a source of great
disappointment to
him, not to meet the Brethren of his Mother Lodge at the
Banquet, and he
asked the Brethren not to permit it to produce any want
of harmony and
union, so that the matter could be speedily forgotten.
That Ceremony of Installation was carried out in The
Victoria Hall,
Leeds, and though the Brethren went banquet-less, it did
not stop them
from remembering their own Tyler, to whom they paid 10/-
for his extra
services on that day.
In September, 1861, a presentation was made to W. Bro.
Robinson, Prov.G.R., in commemoration of his many
services (which
included much legal work) to the Lodge, of a Portrait of
himself and a
Jewel an insignia of his Provincial Office. The
presentation was made by
W. Bro. T. R. Tatham, and if any of the Brethren would
like to read a
really fine and appropriate speech, they should ask the
Secretary to let them
read the Minutes of 6th September, 1861.
Then there is a most interesting Minute in July, 1862,
when it
was suggested that the Members by private subscription
purchase a
photographic album in which every Brother would be
entitled to insert
his "carte de visite" to remain the propert y
of the Lodge as a matter
of interest to posterity. Such an album has unfortunately
NOT been
produced along with the Minute Books and other records
for the purpose
of this History.
Readers well versed in the History of England will have
learnt that
King Edward VIIa prominent Mason and a great lover
of the C r a f t
m a r r i e d , w h e n P r i n c e o f W a l e s , i n t
h e ye a r 1 8 6 3 . T h e Brethren of
the Lodge were desirous of showing some little mark of
this auspicious
occasion, which they did by passing this Resolution on
6th March, 1863
"That the Lodge be illuminated on the occasion of
the marriage of
H.R.H. The Prince of Wales."
It was in this year, 1863, also that the Grand Lodge of
England renumbered
the Lodges, and although there is no specific mention of
it in
the Minutes themselves, the Minute Book is not exactl y
"silent" on
the matter, because the heading of the entries on 4th
September, 1863,
reads thus
" L O D G E O F T R U T H 521 L A T E 763."
In 1865 one of the several musical Brethren, who from
time to
time have been Members, Bro. J oe Wood, arranged a
"Grand Masonic
Concert" in the Lodge Room, the proceeds of which
were to go towards
the purchase of a Piano for the use of the Lodge. This
project was
successful, and the Piano was presented on the 1st
February, 1867.
What seemed to be a rather interesting innovation was
referred to in
the Minutes of January, 1866, when support was given to a
application from The Harrogate and Claro Lodge, No. 1001,
in connection
with the Provincial Grand Lodge to be held there, to be
followed by a
Banquet in the grounds to which Ladies would be
admitted:, during
the Banquet an instrumental concert was to be held,
followed by a Vocal
Concert in the Rooms.
The Lodge seemed to be getting along quite happily at
this stage
when, suddenly, in 1 867, there arose some disputes about
the raising of the
Subscription from 2/6 to 3/6 a month "until the debt
upon the Lodge be
cleared." In fact, there was a threat of what might
have been a serious
matter. A notice of motion was given
"That the Warrant be- returned to Grand Lodge, the
building sold by
Auction, the liabilities discharged, the Surplus if any
handed over to
the Masonic Charities, or otherwise as the Brethren may
Fortunately, however, that motion never became a
proposition, and
on the question of the raising of the Subscription, the
Lodge did what it
had done before with knotty problems; after discussion
and a
proposition, they passed an amendment that the question
be postponed for
six months; and, as had happened previously, wiser
counsel seemed to
prevail, or second thoughts proved best; the troubles
seemed to be settled,
when the six months' interval expired; no further
reference is found.
In fact, the Lodge seemed too bus y and prosperous to he
thinking about "closing down." The year 1868
saw an influx of new
Members, 16 Initiations, 16 Passings and 13 Raisings, so
the Brethren had
little time for anything but Ceremonies. Nevertheless,
they found time
for progressive business, and thoughts for the happiness
of others. On
7th February, 1868, there was introduced what has been a
happy and
regular feature of this Lodge, namely, "The Juvenile
Party" or "Children's
Party. "
The increase in work and membership showed up the need
more "space" in which to expand, and April,
1868, marked the commencement
of the consideration of building extensions.
It would appear that about the end of 1868 the Brethren
interested in, and probably took some part in, the laying
of the Foundation
Stone of a Convalescent Home at Meltham, because they
contributed £10
from the Lodge Funds towards the Expenses, and a little
later a
Committee of the Lodge conferred with Committees of The
Lodge of
Harmony and Huddersfield Lodge to make arrangements for
the opening
of The Convalescent Home.
The Minutes of 7th October, 1870, contain a request from
Brother tendering his resignation, and complaining about
the tardiness of
a Brother who had failed to deliver his letter; he wrote
that "he hoped
the delinquent Brother would be duly chastised by the
Master." There is no note as to whether such
chastisement took place,
but there is a Resolution that the resignation was NOT
From 1870 to 1880 the Lodge followed its normal course of
Ceremonies, and the "happenings" during this
period were in regard to
the Premises, and Building Extensions, etc., dealt with
in the previous
Chapter. It was also a period in which Portraits of
several early Members
were presented, fuller details being recorded in Chapter
In 1882 Provincial Grand Lodge accepted an invitation
from The
Lodge of Truth "under the Banner of No. 521" in
Huddersfield. It was an
important Meeting, at which the agreed revision of the
amended Book
of Constitutions was submitted for approval. This
question of a Revised
Book of Constitutions afforded another opportunity for
the Brethren of the
Town Lodges to unite, and the Master invited the
Worshipful Masters of
The Lodge of Harmony, Huddersfield and Albert Edward
Lodges to
form a J oint Committee for considering the revisions.
The Lodge was keeping the Province busy at this time on
administrative matters. In December, 1882, a Special
Dispensation was
obtained to select and admit "a serving
brother" for the better conduct
and management of the Lodge. Thereupon followed what must
have been
a busy Installation Evening on 1st December, 1882,
Notice of Special Provincial Grand Lodge,
15th October, 1883.
for between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. the Lodge had two
Initiations and the Installation. After the Minutes came
one initiation:
then the special Dispensation for the serving Brother
(Mr. William
Rice). Mr. Rice was balloted for, then he was Initiated,
and towards the end
of the evening he was duly elected Tyler. The newly-
installed Worshipful
Master (of treasured memory) , Bro. William Henry
Jessoptwice Master
of the Lodge, six times Mayor of Huddersf ield, and
Freeman of the
Borough started his year of Office by presenting all the
Officers with
Collars of Office. He was Worshipful Master for the
opening and closing
of the Lodge on the occasion of the visit of Provincial
Grand Lodge on
10th January, 1883, already referred to.
Another important item in this year of 1883, and in the
annals of
Freemasonry in Huddersfield, was the Royal Visit on 15th
October, 1883, of
His Royal Highness the Duke of Albany. A special
Provincial Grand Lodge
Meeting was held at The Town Hall, on the occasion of the
of an Address of Welcome to His Royal Highness by the
Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire and the Five Masonic Lodges
Huddersfield, viz :
The Lodge of Harmony,
Huddersfield Lodge,
The Lodge of Truth,
Thornhill Lodge,
Albert Edward Lodge,
No. 275.
No. 290.
No. 521.
No. 1514.
No. 1783,
The special notice signed by the Duke of Albany appears
in the
Minute Book, of which there is a photograph on the
previous page.
upwards of 1,400 Brethren of the Province attended. A
full and
descriptive account, occupying 14 pages of the Minute
Book, including
speeches, is recorded, and is well-worth reading by
anyone interested.
"The false roof above the immense hall was examined
prevent cowans and intruders."
The Provincial Grand Master said that
"In all my life, except at the Great Hall in London,
I have never
witnessed such a grand and imposing sight as this. The
place is
literally crammed, and I am sure it is filled with the
most loyal
men in England."
After the Meeting there was a procession, in Masonic
Clothing, to the
Station, with the Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the
private Lodges
walking four abreast, followed by the Officers of
Provincial Grand Lodge,
the latter lining the corridor to the Station.
The names of the Worshipful Masters of the five
Lodges were :
The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275 Percy F. J. Pearce.
Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290 Wm. B. Wall.
The Lodge of Truth, No. 521 William Hy. Jessop
Thornhill Lodge, No. 1514 Allen Haigh.
Albert Edward Lodge, No. 1783 William Fitton.
and co-operating in the arrangements were The Mayo r
(Bro. J. F. Brigg)
and the Town Clerk (Bro. Jos. Batley); and Bro. Joshua
Marshall presided at
the Town Hall Organ.
But all too soon after this great occasion of rejoicing
and masonic
splendour, came the very sad event when the five
Huddersfield Lodges again met for
the purpose of arranging another procession on 5th April,
1884 (less than 6
months after the other), on the occasion of a Special
Service held at the Parish
Church, Huddersfield, to show their sympathy at the great
loss sustained by the
death of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, Duke of
Albany, K.G., etc.,
etc., who died on 31st March, 1884..
It was arranged by the five Lodges that The Lodge of
Harmony should
hold a special Lodge of Emergency of the five Lodges at
the Masonic Hall,
South Parade, at 10 a.m.then to attend the Funeral
Service at the Parish
Church and return to South Parade to pass a Vote of
Condolence with
Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen, The Duchess of
Albany and other
members of The Royal Family.
At that Meeting :-
The W.M. of The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275, was W.M. The
W.M. of Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290, was S.W.
The W.M. of The Lodge of Truth, No. 521, was J.W. The
W.M. of Thornhill Lodge, No. 1514, was S.D.
The W.M. of Albert Edward Lodge, No. 1783, was J.D.,
with other Brethren from The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275,
Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290, filling the other Offices.
170 Past Masters
and Brethren attended, and by Special Dispensation they
attended the
Church in Masonic Clothing.
Copies of the Replies from Whitehall and Esher on behalf
of Her
Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria and Her Royal
Highness the Duchess
of Albany are recorded in the Minute Book.
The year 1885 marked the 40 years' anniversary of the
Lodge, and
although no special celebrations were made, the Lodge was
visited on
2nd October, 1885, by W. Bro. Henry Smith, of St. Johns,
Wakefield, P.M. of
Airedale Lodge, No. 387, who had been appointed Deputy
Provincial Grand
Master of West Yorkshire on 24th April, 1885, and who
made special mention
in his address to the Brethren that the Lodge had
attained its -10th Anniversary.
In the various activities of the Lodge one notices
references to various Members of the Lo dge who took
prominent parts in
the proceedings: and among these was Bro. George
Marshall, who had been
Master in 1870. In 1886 he attained Provincial Rank, and
the Lodge
presented him with the Clothing of his Appointment. This
was done on the
7th May, 1886, which was also the occasion of a visit to
the Lodge by Rt.
Wor. Bro. Thos. Wm. Tew, J.P., P.G.D. of England, and
Provincial Grand
Master of West Yorkshire, who himself made the
Presentation on behalf of
the Lodge, and delivered one of his characteristic
addresses to the Brethren of
the Lodge. That Address is fully recorded, word for word,
written up specially
in the Minute Book by Bro. J. Quarterman, of Pontefract,
on behalf of the
Provincial Grand Master.
In 1887 a Special Committee was appointed in connection
"The Queen Victoria Jubilee Presentation" to
which the Brethren of the Lodge
Reference is made in Chapter XI (dealing with Portraits)
of an
interesting evening's masonic work on 1st June, 1888,
when the
Brethren presented and unveiled the Portrait of an
esteemed, beloved and
departed Brother, W. Bro. Joe Wood, and on the same
evening his own
son, bearing the same name, had his 3rd ceremony: there
was another
presentation, namely of Provincial Clothing to the
Secretary, Bro. J. W.
Turner, P.M. Provincial Grand Deacon, whose work as
Secretary was of a very
high standard, as is evidenced by the excellent Minutes
and records during his
term of office. Bro. Turner has reproduced in the Minute
Book, in his own
masterly penmanship, copies of letters from various
Brethren unable to attend
that special evening, all of whom had a great affection
for Bro. Joe Wood one
of them referred to him as "Dear Little Joea
Brick of 8 x 4 dimensions." These
letters, which included a special one from the Provincial
Grand Master R. W.
Bro. Tew, came from France, Derby, St. Helens and
Scarborough, the lastmentioned
apologising for absence because they were having the
Band" at the Grand Hall in the Spa.
One or two anniversaries and celebrations were now
looming up. In
1889, at the invitation of The Colne Valley Lodge, 1645,
some of the
Brethren attended at Slaithwaite on the Whit-Tuesday to
celebrate the
centenary of Slaithwaite Church; and on 7th November of
the same year,
1889, the Brethren of the Lodge attended to support their
old friends The
Lodge of Harmony, No. 275, in celebrating their
Centenary, including a
Special Service, at the Parish Church, Huddersfield, on
the following Sunday.
Once again we find the Lodge recording and sending loyal
messages of condolence to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen
Victoria, on 5th
February, 1892, sympathising with Her Majesty on the
death of H.R.H. The
Duke of Clarence and Avondale, P.G.W. of England, and
Provincial Grand
Master for Berkshire, and also to H.R.H. The Prince of
Wales, the Most
Worshipful The Grand Master, and to Her Serene Highness
The Princess
Victoria Mary of Teck.
An interesting feature in the year 1892 was a visit by
members of
Thornhill Lodge who received special thanks for their
part in "the
musical part of the ceremony."
As is well-known by Brethren of the present day, The
Lodge of Truth is
one of those Lodges which follow the commendable custom
of presenting a
Bible to a Brother, when a son or a daughter is born to
him. What is
believed to be the first of such presentations is
recorded on 5th May,
1893, when Bro. Alfred Gledhill, the recipient, was
"much affected by the
affectionate words of the Chaplain," who made the
presentation, and who
expressed the hope that the Bible would be appreciated by
the youthful
owner. Since that date the writer of this History has
counted 87 "repeats"
of the gift of the "Great Light" for the
guidance of their youthful owners,
who cannot fail to have benefitted from such an influence
from a Lodge of Truth.
On Saturday, the 17th June, 1893, the Brethren of the
Lodge took
part in an Infirmary-cum-Masonic Ceremony at Halifax,
sponsored and
attended by Provincial Grand Lodge. The occasion was an
Provincial Grand Lodge in the Masonic Hall, St. John's
Place, Halifax,
followed by a Procession to the site of the new Infirmary
for the laying of the
foundation stone by the Provincial Grand Master (Rt. Hon.
The Earl of
Latham), and the Orders contained in the circular stated
"Black frock coats, Trousers and Ties, White Gloves
and High
Hats will be worn, with Full Masonic Craft Clothing and
The specific mention of the trousers seems somewhat
In the separate Chapter devoted to the By-Laws reference
is made
to the book in which the Revised By-Laws were written up
in 1892, and to
the signatures thereto by the Brethren who were members
at the time, and
those Initiated or Joining later. There is one occasion
in the Minutes of the
Lodge, viz., on the 4th August, 1893, when the following
is recorded :--
"Bro. Pilkington signed the By-Laws and was placed
at the left
hand of the S.W. and the Ancient Charge was given."
That suggests that an attempt was made to introduce such
signing of
the Book of By-Laws as part of the Ceremony. Such entry
does not
appear for subsequent Initiations.
Another interesting Minute appears in 1891, including
correspondence in regard thereto. Apparentl y The
Savings Bank were opening up some new Ledgers, and found
account No. 75 in an old Ledger, the Passbook for which
had not been
submitted for many years. The account was first opened in
1856 in the
name of W. C. Marsh (he was Master in that year), and had
transferred to Joseph Robinson in 1872 (he was Master in
that year), and
afterwards transferred to Wm. Geo. Dyson (a Past M a s t
er). The
balance w as £10 1 3s . 11d, and t h e Treasurer and
Secretary of 1894
were authorised to obtain the amount, the usual mandatory
required by Banks having been duly and properly recorded
In 1895 and 1896 there was much activity in connection
with new
Trust Deed, Mortgage, etc., but this is dealt with more
fully in Chapter IV
relating to the Premises.
The Brethren had something else, very special, to occupy
their minds,
namely, the Masonic Jubilee of the Lodge, 50 years from
the 3rd
December, 1815. As early as January, 1895, the matter of
proper preparation
was mentioned in the Minutes; a Special Committee was
appointed in May,
1893; it was finally decided that the Jubilee be
celebrated at a Lodge of
Emergency on Wednesday, 29th April, 1896. What form these
took will be related in the following Chapter.
The Lodge Summons, for The Jubilee Festival (1896).
The front page of the Programme
for the Jubilee Festival (1896).
blah blah