History of
the Lodge of Connaught & Truth No. 521

Masonic Jubilees, Golden Weddings and other Anniversaries
of the Members - Portraits and Photographs
blah blah
Prominent Personalities, Pen Pictures
and Portraits.
THERE ARE some beautiful Oil Paintings adorning the walls
of the Lodge Room,
and other Portraits and Photographs in the Supper
Room, in the Hall and Instruction Rooms; many relate to
members of The
Lodge of Truth, and some to The Lodge of Harmony and
other Tenant
Lodges; surrounding them are many interesting paragraphs
of history. So here
"Let us praise famous men." Some of these
memorials testify to outstanding
Masonic service, some relate to special occasions like
Masonic Jubilees and
other Anniversaries, of which there have been many in the
History of The
Lodge of Truth. In this Chapter an attempt is made to
give the Brethren a "pen
picture" of only some of the salient facts; a much
larger volume than this
would be needed adequately to describe the noble deeds
and lives of these
The following analysis of Names and Events will form some
kind of
key or ready reference to the detailed paragraphs which
Name. Initiated. W .M. Masonic Golden Anniversary.
Jubilee: Wedding.
W. Kilner Founder 1846 185?
(First Master)
W. Shaw Founder 1904
B. Taylor Hon. Member
1846 1848 ? 1851
A. Jackson 1852 1863 1902 1874
H. Shaw 1853 1881 1903 1913 1911
(60 years)
Marquess of Ripon 1853 1855 1901
W. Smith Hon. Member ? 1852
T. Robinson 1850 1853 1861
V. G. Dyson 1852 1859, 1865 1866
W. C. Marsh 1852 1856 1868
I. Kirk 1852 1858 1876
T. Wood 1852 1869 1888
G. Marshall 1860 1870 1881
J. Marshall 1868 1875 Query.
E. Woodhouse 1861 1868 1911 1918
(50 years Chair)
1. A. Woolven 1879 1929 1939 (60 years)
J. W. Sawden 1884 1901 1934
G. Jackson 1883 1890 1916
J. W. Shoesmith Hon. Member 1910 1904 (25 years)
J. Wilkinson 1909 1923 1939
H. Goddard 1898 1939
A. Armitage 1879 1887 1904 1904
(25 years)
N. H. Jessop 1879 1883, 1884 1918
J. L. Sykes 1890 1930 (40 years)
T. Bean 1897 1907 1934
T. B. Bolton 1894 1924 1944
(No. 165)
From the above summary it will be seen that two Brethren
their 60th Masonic Birthdaya remarkable record;
that no less than six
Brethren celebrated their Masonic Jubileeanother
rare record; and six
Brethren enjoyed the commemoration of their Gold en
It is fitting that we should commence with W. Bro.
William Kilner,
who was the first Worshipful Master of The Lodge of Truth
in 1845-46. He was
a Past Senior Warden of The Lodge of Harmony, and
received his Provincial
Rank through that Lodge, holding the office of
Superintendent of Works for two
years, 1848 and 1849, soon after becoming Master of
Truth. His Portrait hangs
in the Lodge Room, quite appropriately, in the North-East
corner, and was presented
in 1856; the Resolution passed on 5th December, 1856,
states :
"That this Lodge deeply impressed with the
estimation in which our
Bro. P. M. Kilner is held amongst us Resolve that he be
requested to
allow his Portrait an oil painting to be taken by Bro.
Howell and to be
hung up in the Lodge Room the funds to be raised by
Having mentioned above a Founder Member from The Lodge of
Harmony, the next to refer to is a Founder Member from
Huddersfield Lodge, who was
the first Senior Warden of the Lodge of Truth. He only
remained a Member of
the Lodge for five years, and did not go through the
Chair. He was Uncle to
Bro. Henry Shaw, who is referred to on Page 109 of this
Chapter. Bro.
Henry Shaw made the gift to the Lodge of his Uncle's
portrait on the 4th November,
1904, although it is not clear as to where this portrait
is now. The Minute says
that W. Bro. Henry Shaw made the presentation "In a
very humorous speech."
Having referred to the firstWorshipful Master and the
first Senior Warden,
Founder Members from Harmony and Huddersfield Lodges
respectively, let us now
look at a Brother who was a prominent member of both
these Lodges, and gave of
his valuable experience at the time of the formation of
The Lodge of Truth.
Although not one of the Founder Members named in the
Petition, he actually
presided as the Master for the opening of the First
Meeting on the 5th
December, 1845. He was a very ardent Mason, having
previously been
Master of the Huddersfield Lodge on six occasions, 1820,
1821, 1823, 1825
1829, 1830, and was Provincial Junior Deacon in 1830 and
1831. He was one of
the Brethren who took part in the arrangements for
bringing The Lodge of
Harmony from Halifax to Huddersfield in 1837, and was
honoured by The
Lodge of Harmony in 1866 on the occasion of his Masonic
Jubilee. His
Portrait hangs in the Lodge Room, presented in 1851 (it
is not clear by
which Lodge it was presented), but it is believed to be
the property of The
Lodge of Harmony. It gives the Author much pleasure to
place on record that,
when he was Initiated into The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275,
in 1919, it was the
respected grandson of W. Bro. Ben Taylor, namely, W. Bro.
Lewis Taylor, who
performed the Initiation Ceremony, thus affording yet
another interesting link in
the history of the Lodges in Huddersfield.
The first Member of The Lodge of Truth to have the unique
distinction of a Masonic Jubilee was W. Bro. Allen
Jackson, P.P.G.D., who
was one of the 33 candidates Initiated into the Lodge
during the
outstandingly busy year of 1852, his being the last
Initiation of that historic
year, on the date of the year "never to be
forgot," namely, November 5th.
So we find special honour done to him 50 years later at
the Lodge Meeting
of 7th November, 1902. W. Bro. Jackson occupied the Chair
of the Lodge in
1863. He served on the Town Council from 18741 880, and
he was one of the
Founder Members of Albert Edward Lodge in 1875. He was
renowned as a
ritualist but, as sometimes happens, he had little
opportunity to display his skill
during his own year of Mastership, as there were no
candidates that year,
but the Lodge Journal reveals that, of the seven
Initiations in the following
year, Bro. Jackson did six of them, as well as Passings
and Raisings, and
several others in years to follow. He attained the rank
in Provincial
Lodge of Junior Grand Deacon, and the Members, like the
Author, will
have noticed his name on the Mark Masons Lodge Board in
Supper Room. If they will allow their eyes to travel
round the walls of
the Supper Room they will see his Portrait (presented in
It fell to the lot of W. Bro. Reuben Williamson, the Lo
"historian," to "open up" the
"special business" on 7th November, 1902.
He gave "an interesting resume" of the history
of W. Bro. Jackson's
connection with the Lodge, which will be found entered
"at the end of these
Minutes."* The "special business" was then
handed over to the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Richard Wilson; he attended
for the
specific purpose of presenting to Bro. Jackson on behalf
of theWorshipful
Master, Officers and Brethren, a cheque and gold pin in
commemoration of
the unique event in the masonic career of "such an
honoured and old
member." W. Bro. Jackson, in replying, said that he
had tried during his
career to carry out to the best of his ability one of the
tenets of the craft, to
be happy himself and to communicate happiness to others
and said that he
had never missed an Installation Ceremony, and hoped to
be present at
many others. So it seems certain that he indeed derived
happiness from
his Freemasonry. If one thinks of all the Brethren, who
must have
enjoyed seeing him at more than fifty Installations, he
indeed gave
happiness to many.
As further evidence of the esteem in which he was held
through out
the Town and District, there were congratulatory letters
(recorded in the
Minute Book) from
The Lodge of Harmony, No. 275,
Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290,
Thornhill Lodge, No. 1514,
Albert Edward Lodge, No. 1783.
A very close "second" in the race for the
Masonic Jubilee
honours was W. Bro. Henry Shaw, who attained the
distinction only four
months later than W. Bro. Allen Jackson. He was initiated
*Once again the Author passes on to the readers his
regrets at his inability to
find "at the end of the Minutes" the
interesting historical resumé referred to in the
the Lodge on the 4th March, 1853, and occupied the Chair
in 1881. The
reader will recall (see page 43) that a special
Dispensation was obtained to
enable him to be Installed, because he was at the time
just at the end of
his year as Master of another Lodge (Prince Frederick
Lodge at Hebden
Bridge). The memento he received from the Brethren at the
Meeting on 6th March, 1903, to commemorate the happy
event was a Silver
Tea Service. Before making the Presentation the
Worshipful Master had
called upon W. Bro. Reuben Williamson to give the history
of Bro. Shaw's
fifty years' connection with the Lodge, the account of
which occupies eight
pages of the Lodge Minute Book.
W. Bro. Henry Shaw had no fewer than FOUR very near
relatives in the Founding Members of The Lodge of Truth,
viz.: -
His Father, Bro. Sam Shaw, Past Master of Huddersfield
Lodge, No. 290.
His Uncle, Bro. William Shaw, do.
His Uncle, Bro. R. Jacques, t h en M as t er E l e ct of
Huddersfield Lodge,
No. 290.
His Uncle, Bro. N. Barrow, of Huddersfield Lodge,
No. 290.
For a period of fourteen years from 1867 to 1880 (just
before he
became Worshipful Master) Bro. Hy. Shaw was Tyler of the
Lodge and
Hallkeeper of the Lodge Premises.
On the same night as his Installation he was elected as
Representative on the Charit y Committee. He later served
the Lodge
as Treasurer, and on one or two occasions as a Past
Master Purveyor, so
there is ample evidence of his all-round ability and
suitability for almost
every kind of office, especially offices where he was
serving his Brethren.
At the age of 75, at the time of his Jubilee, no brother,
says Bro.
Williamson, was "more regular in his attendance to
his duties or more
ready to defend its honour, or to promote its
But good as it is up to that point, Bro. Shaw's fine
record did not
stop there, as the Brethren did him further honour in
April, 1911, eight
years later, when at the age of 83 Bro. Shaw had
completed 58 years of
Masonry. The Brethren had subscribed the sum of 08 19s.
spent on his
Portrait, which was presented to him by the Deputy
Provincial Grand
Master, who at the same time conferred on him the rank of
P.P.G.D. The
Lodge presented him with his Provincial Clothing in June,
1911. W. Bro.
Shaw lived to enjoy his 60th Masonic Anniversary and was
congratulated on 7th March, 1913. The Minutes say that he
attended the
Lodge Installation on 5th December, 1913, "being
received with evident
pleasure by the assembled Visitors and Brethren."
This fine Masonic career came to an end by Bro. Shaw's
"passing" on the 3rd September, 1914.
References to this distinguished Brother have already
been made
earlier in the book, in the introduction and particularly
in Chapters III
and V. He was first of all known to the Brethren of the
Lodge as Bro.
George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Lord Goderich,
afterwards as The
Earl de Grey and Ripon, and later as The Marquess of
The Lodge of Truth is justifiably proud that a Brother
Initiated in the
Lodge rose to become not only the R. W. Provincial Grand
Master of the
Province of Yorkshire (West Riding) but the Most
Worshipful The Grand
Here is a summary in dates of the steps in his rapid rise
to those
exalted positions :-
6th May, 1853. Proposed for membership in The Lodge of
Truth, No. 763, as Mr. George Frederick
Samuel Robinson (Lord Goderich).
17th May, 1853. Initiated as a Member of The Lodge of
Truth, No. 763.
12th October, 1853. Passing Ceremony in The Lodge of
25th November, 1853. Raising Ceremony in The Lodge of
2nd December, 1853. Appointed Senior Warden for the
ensuing year.
3rd November, 1834. Election as Master of the Lodge.
1st June, 1855. Installation as Worshipful Master of The
Lodge of Truth, No. 763
22nd May, 1861. Provincial Grand Lodge met at Leeds,
the Banner of The Lodge of Truth, No. 7C3,
and the Right Hon. The Earl de Grey and
Ripon Installed Provincial Grand Master.
(In succession to the Right Hon. The Earl of
27th April, 1870. The Right Hon. The Earl de Grey and
Installed Most Worshipful Grand Master. (In
succession to the Right Hon, the second Earl of
Zetland, K.G.)
In 1871. The Earl de Grey and Ripon was raised to
the rank of the 1st Marquess of Ripon.
2nd Sept., 1874. The Most Hon. The Marquess of Ripon,
M.W. Grand Master and R. W. Prov. G.
Master, resigned, having withdrawn from the
Note : He was suceeded as Grand Master by H.R.H. Albert
Edward, Prince of
Wales, K.G. (afterwards King Edward VII), and he was
succeeded as
Provincial Grand Master by Colonel Sir Henry Edwards,
Bart., C.B. (P.M.
of The Lodge of Probity, No. 61).
Many are the references in the annals of Provincial Grand
Lodge and
in the Minute Books of The Lodge of Truth to special
occasions, of interest to
The Lodge of Truth or to the Brethren of Huddersfield, of
which the
following are a few extracts :--
5th October, 1859. P. G. L. at Huddersfield.
Foundation Stone of the Mechanics Institute
laid by The Earl and Countess de Grey and
30th March, 1864. P. G. L. at Huddersfield. W. Bro.
Shaw (P.M. of The Lodge of Harmony, No.
275) appointed and invested as Deputy Prov. G.M.
(Thus, for a period of 10 years, 1864-1874, both the
Prov. G.M and the
Deputy Prov. G.M. were from Lodges in Huddersfield.)
19th Apri l, 1865. P . G. L. at Huddersfi el d.
Foundation Stone of The Mechanics Jnstitute at
Lockwood laid by the R.W. Prov. G.M. The
Right Hon. The Earl de Grey and Ripon.
5th October, 1865. The Right Hon. the Earl de Grey and
Installed Grand Superintendent of Royal Arc h
M as ons of W es t Yo rks hi re, at Halifax.
1 5t h M a y, 1 8 67 . P . G. L. a t Hu dd e rs f i el d.
Address of Condolence to the Earl de Grey and
Ripon on the death of his mother the Dowager
28th October, 1868. P. G. L. at Meltham.
Foundation Stone of Convalescent Home at
Meltham laid by the Earl de Grey and Ripon.
2 n d M a y, 1 87 0. P . G. L. o f Em e r gen c y a t Hu
dd e rs f i e l d .
Vote of Condolence to Earl de Grey and Ripon
and his family on the murder of Mr. Vyner by
brigands in Greece.
22nd January, 1873. P. G. L. at Harrogate.
Congratulatory Address to The Marquess of
Ripon on attaining his majority.
Although the Marquess of Ripon had not continued his
membership of
Freemasonry, the Brethren of his Mother Lodge
nevertheless remembered him on
two special anniversary dates, viz.:
In 1901 when the Brethren sent him congratulations on his
In 1903 when the Brethren sent their congratulations on
the 50th
anniversary of his Initiation.
There are one or two Portraits of this distinguished
Brother on the walls of
the premises, as Provincial Grand Master and also as
Grand Master.
At the close of that remarkable year of 1852, at the
Installation on 3rd
December, 1852, there was a presentation of the Portrait
of W. Bro. Wm. Smith
for his services to the Lodge. At that time he was not
actually an enrolled member,
hut he had been a very frequent, almost regular visitor
during the early years, and
had often acted as Secretary or Deacon or in one of the
other offices. He was made
an Honorary Member in 1855. He did much to instruct and
the Brethren and to elevate Freemasonry in the Town. He
was mainly
instrumental for the formation of The Union Lodge of
Instruction (for the
three Lodges), and was looked upon as the Chief
Instruction Master. His
strong personality fitted him for that posh on, and he
was an outstanding
authority in those days on all matters of ritual and
procedure. It is not
known where the Portrait presented in 1832 is nowadays,
but there is a
Portrait of W. Bro. W. Smith in the Lodge Rooms at
Greenhead Road,
presented in 1874 by the Brethren of the Huddersfield
Lodge. The
Portrait there shows W. Bro. Smith as a Past Master of
Lodges Nos. 290,
521, 652, and Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 1462.
The Minutes contain the record of the Presentation of
Brother's Portrait, the present whereabouts of which are
not known. The
presentation was made on the 6th September, 1861, and in
the Minutes
there is recorded verbatim a very fine speech by W. Bro.
T. R. Tatham,
well worth the trouble of any Brother interested turning
it up. W. Bro.
Robinson joined The Lodge of Truth in 1850 from The Lodge
Harmony, and had an outstanding Masonic career. After
occupying the
Chair of The Lodge of Truth in 1853, he was twice
Provincial Grand
Registrar in 1860 and 1861, and in the following year he
held the office of
Provincial Grand Junior Warden. The presentation in 1861
included not
only his Portrait but the Jewel of his Office as
Provincial Grand Registrar.
Bro. Dyson was another of the Initiates of the 1852 year.
He was
Master of the Lodge on two occasions, first in the year
1859-60 and then
again 1864-65, and in the intervening years he was twice
Director of Ceremonies in 1862 and 1863. In the latter
term of
Mastership the Brethren honoured him (in September, 1866)
by presenting
him with a Portrait of himself, and also with the Jewel
and Insignia of his
Rank as P.P.G.D.C.
Many of the Brethren will have noticed the handsome chair
present in use as the Worshipful Master's chair in the
Lodge Room, and those
who have read the inscription on the hack will have
noticed that it was
presented (in 1873) by W. Bro. W. C. Marsh, whose name
app ears on
ot her oc cas i ons i n t he Li s t of Gi ft s i n C hapt
er X. He was one of the
early Initiates (1852), was Worshipful Master in 1856,
and became an
Honorary Member in 1878. It is fitting to find him as a
Donee instead of
Donor on 3rd January, 1868, on which occasion Bro. Marsh
was presented
with a Portrait of himself, and a Jewel, the Presentation
being carried
out by a very distinguished local Brother, W.Bro. Bentley
Shaw, at that time
the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and a frequent
visitor to The
Lodge of Truth This is yet another example of a Member of
The Lodge of
Harmony being happily arid closely associated with
activities in The Lodge
of Truth.
The name of Bro. John Kirk figures prominently in this
particularly in regard to the use of his talents as an
Architect for the benefit
of the Lodge and its Building Schemes, as well as his
round masonic knowledge. He was yet another of the 1852
initiates and
was Master in 1858. He had the appropriate rank in
Provincial G r a n d
L o d g e o f S u p t . o f W o r k s . H i s P o r t r a
i t w a s p r e s e n t e d to him on
7th July, 1876, and arrangements were made for it to be
hung in the
Lodge Room.
W. Bro. Joe Wood was yet another of the Brethren
Initiated in
1852, who helped to make history for The Lodge of Truth,
and gave
much pleasure to the Brethren by his musical talents. He
was Master in
1869, and attained the Rank of Provincial Grand Organist,
an office which
he held on two occasions, 1855 and 1859.
In March of 1888 a Portrait Committee, specially
commissioned a Mr. Gallimore to paint the portrait of the
late Bro. Joe
Wood at a "cost of not more than Fifty
guineas," and that the "said
Portrait be hung in the Supper Room, and be considered as
part of furniture
of Supper Room." As a matter of fact, it now hangs
in the Lodge Room.
Most of the Brethren subscribed towards the cost, and a
feature was made on 1st June, 1888, Lodge night, with a
Banquet after
the Lodge, and the presentation after the Banquet. In
fact there was more
than one special feature about this evening, as the late
W. Bro. Wood's
own son, bearing the same name, Bro. Joe Wood, himself a
Professor of
Music, had his Raising Ceremony on this evening and was
present, as a
Master Mason, at the unveiling of his father's portrait.
The Minutes say
that the presentation was made by Bro. W. H. Jessop, P.M.
"in a eulogistic
and feeling manner, which was supplemented in equally
feeling language
by Bro. Allen Jackson, P.M."
The History of The Huddersfield Lodge, No. 290, states
that the Brethren
of that Lodge, of which Bro. Joe Wood was also a Member,
presented him with
Portrait and an Illuminated Address in 1879. He was noted
for his
consummate skill as a musician, and as a witty speaker
with a fund of
humorous tales. He died in 1884.
If the Brethren have studied the Portraits hung in the
Supper Room
they will have noticed one there of W. Bro. G. Marshall.
W. Bro. G.
Marshall was Initiated in the Lodge in 1860 and occupied
the Master's
Chair in 1870. This Portrait was presented to him by the
Brethren in
1881, but there is no detailed record thereof in the
Another of the Portraits in the Supper Room is that of W.
Bro. Joshua
Marshall, a name well known in the Town, and another
Brother famous for his
skill as a musician. He was the Provincial Grand Organist
in 1870,
within two years of his Initiation, and before he
occupied the Chair of
the Lodge in 1875. He was welcomed and respected in the
Lodges in the Town. It is not known, from the records,
just when his
Portrait was presented or when it came into the
possession of the Lodge.
W. Bra. Edwin Woodhouse was Initiated into the Lodge in
and served as Worshipful Master in 1868. The records show
that he resigned in 1869probably because he left
the Town. He later
became a Member of Philanthropic Lodge, No. 301, Leeds,
and was
honoured, through that Lodge, with the rank of Provincial
Junior Warden in
1886. He was popular and well-liked, because he was
mentioned by some of the Visiting Brethren who spoke at
Celebrations of other Brethren. He apparently lived to
see his 50th
Masonic anniversary, though away from his Mother Lodge as
there is a
Resolution in the Minutes on 5th July, 1918, mentioning
the fact that 50
years ago the Chair was occupied by Bro. Edwin Woodhouse,
of Leeds,
and it was Resolved
"That the Secretary be instructed to send him a
letter of congratulation
accompanied with the hearty good wishes of all the
Another of the Brethren of The Lodge of Truth with a very
record in the Town, and a long connection with his Lodge,
was Bro. J. A.
Woolven, who was Initiated in 1879, and died in 1941,
with over 60 years'
Masonic membership.
The occasions on which he received special
congratulations were
On 9th April, 1920, he received the congratulations of
the Lodge
on being appointed Mayo r of Huddersfield, and in 1921 he
received the
Provincial Rank of Senior Deacon (Past).
The Honorary Freedom of the Borough was conferred upon
in 1934.
On July 1st, 1927, the Lodge offered congratulations to
him in
respect of the high honour conferred on him in France
when he was made a
Member of The Legion of Honour (Chevalier de la Legion
d'Honneur) :
this was in connection with his efforts as Mayor of the
Town in 1921, when
he opened a Subscription List for the adoption by
Huddersfield of two
communes in France, Hermies and Havrincourt, with the
result that each
village was provided with domestic water supply,
including pumps,
windmills, etc., as well as cloth and clothing and sewing
At the Lodge on April 5th, 1929, which marked the
occasion of
Bro. Woolven's Jubilee, he received a special Address of
Welcome from the
Worshipful Master, and the hearty congratulations of the
followed by a Complimentary Dinner: and on the 7th April,
1939, in order to
mark the occasion of his 60 years' membership, the
Brethren presented an
Illuminated Address. Bro. Woolven was not able to attend
in person, but
his son-in-law, Bro. Amos Brook Hirst, deputised for him,
and received
this honoured gift on his behalf.
Yet an ot her of t h e M em bers of T he Lo dge of Trut h
who lived
to be able to say that he had been a Freemason for 50 ye
ars, although he
died five months later, was W. Bro. J. W. Sawden, who was
Initiated on
4th January, 1884, and attained his Jubilee in 1934. He
occupied the Chair
in 1901.
W. Bro. G. Jackson, who was Initiated in 1883, and
occupied the
Chair in 1890, did not live to celebrate a Masonic
jubilee; he died in 1919,
but on 4th August, 1916, the Brethren recorded a special
resolution of
congratulations to him on his Golden Wedding.
W . B R O . J . W . S H O E S M IT H .
In March, 1901, W. Bro. J. W. Shoesmith attained his 25th
Masonic anniversary, not with The Lodge of Truth, of
which he was a
Joining Member and an Honorary Member (see page 65), but
with his
Mother Lodge, Albert Edward, No. 1783, and
congratulations were sent
to him acknowledging the deep debt of gratitude for the
many valued
services rendered to The Lodge of Truth; and in June,
1910, the Brethren
were again remembering Bro. Shoesmith, when they sent him
congratulations on the attainment of his Golden Wedding.
Another Brother to attain his Golden Wedding was the much
beloved Bro. James Wilkinson, who in his own inimitable
and quiet way
did much good work for his Lodge, including Ritual and
Instruction Class
Work; and particularly in regard to the Premises, which
have many
permanent memorials to his exquisite craftmanship as
Cabinet-maker. He
was Initiated in 1909, and occupied the Chair of the
Lodge in 1923: To
mark the occasion of his Golden Wedding, the Brethren
presented him.
with a Silver-gilt Fruit Bowl on the 7th August, 1939.
This Brother, who was Initiated in 1898, did not attain
the Chair,
nor figure much "in the news" in the records;
but he was the recipient of
Hearty Greetings sent to him on the 4th August, 1939, to
help him to
enjoy his Golden Wedding.
At the time of the writing of this History, Bro. Goddard
is No. 2 on
the present List of Members of the Lodge.
Another 25 years' celebration or recognition was that of
W. Bro.
Abraham Armitage, who was Initiated in 1879, and became
Master in
1887. In 190-4, after 25 years' membership, he was
honoured by his
Brethren, who in August started a special Subscription
List, and in
November (November 4, 1904) he was presented, again by
the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Richard Wilson, with his
Portrait in
Oils. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master pointed out that
it was not
merely the fact of having been a Member for 25 years
which had induced
the Brethren to honour him, but during the whole of that
period he had been
a modest, unassuming, hardworking member of the Lodge,
who was seldom
absent from the Instruction Class, and never absent from
the Regular
Lodge. The Portrait was handed back to the Lodge as a
gift, and Bro.
Armitage received a reproduction for his own use. Some
information about this Brother was gleaned from a Masonic
extract, pasted in The Lodge of Truth Guard Book, which
reported Bro.
Armitage as a Patriotic Brother who had served with the
movement in early years to aid the defence of his
country. The Portrait
mentioned above, which adorns the South Wall of the
Lodge, was lent
out, by request, for exhibition at the City Galleries,
Leeds, in September,
Another of the fine Portraits adorning the walls of the
Lodge Room
is that of W. Bro. William Henry Jessop, who twice
the Master's Chair, first in 1883, and again in 1891. He
thus had the unique
distinction of having been Worshipful Master of his Lodge
more than once, and
Mayor of his native Town more than once : as a matter of
fact he was Mayor of
Huddersfield twice for three years (six times in all) in
1897, 1898, 1899, and
again in 1916, 1917, 1918, and was made a Freeman of the
Borough on 18th
September, 1918.
He was also twice the recipient of Provincial Honours,
first as
Provincial Senior Deacon in 1890, and secondly as
Provincial Senior Warden (Past)
in 1917.
A Fund was raised to present him with his Portrait, and
Presentation was carried out by the Deputy. Provincial
Grand Master, R. W.
Bro. Sir William P. Raynor, on the 4th October, 1918.
References have been made in the course of this History
to the work
of W. Bro. J. Lewis Sykes, principally in connection with
By-Laws, Trust
Deeds, etc. He died in 1935 without attaining his Masonic
Jubilee, having been
Initiated in 1890. Nevertheless, he had special mention,
in the Minutes, of his
10th anniversary, which he himself recognised on 7th
November, 1930, by
presenting to the Lodge a baton, suitably inscribed, for
the use of the Director
of Ceremonies.
W. Bro. T. Bean played a prominent part in the History of
the Lodge
during his period of membership; particularly in the
Instruction Classes. He
was also one of the Founders of The Huddersfield and
District Installed
Masters' Association. Master of the Lodge in 1907, he was
well-beloved of his
Brethren; in 1934 he had the joy of celebrating his
Golden Wedding, and was
presented by the Brethren with a clock to commemorate the
The Trustees of The Lodge of Truth, No. 521, can make the
boast that they have as their Chairman a Brother with
more than 50 years'
Masonic service to his credit, as W. Bro. T. B. Bolton,
their present Chairman,
was Initiated into Freemasonry on the 28th February,
1891. He shares with Bro.
H. Goddard the distinction of being the only two of the
Brethren mentioned in
the summary at the opening of this Chapter who are still
Members of the Lodge.
W. Bro. Bolton's Mother Lodge was Integrity Lodge, No.
(Manchester), and his Masonic Membership has comprised 18
years before
coming to Huddersfield, to take up Medical Practice here,
and 34 years with The
Lodge of Truth, No. 521, since he became a Joining Member
on the 4th August,
1911. He was Master in 1921, and served as Prov. Dep.
D.C. in 1938.
There are other Portraits and Photographs in various
parts of the
premises, e.g., one of Lord Allerton, presented to the
Lodge in 1903 by Bro.
John Pyrah, on the walls of the Supper Room. There are
photographs of
several of the Provincial Grand Masters, Deputies and
Assistants; and to
complete a most interesting collection, there are
numerous photographs of Past
Masters of the Lodge of both early and recent years.